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Topic: NSF Grant Opportunities for STEM and STEM Education Research

Who: Drs. Claudia Rankins and Falcon Rankins

When: May 10, 2023, 2:00 – 4:00 PM

Where: Zoom

Join us for an engaging workshop on pursuing NSF funding for STEM- and STEM Education research. The interactive workshop will explore funding paths for all faculty: those who have had no or little research funding, those who have not been funded in a while, and those who have research funding. In addition to the more standard funding opportunities, the workshop will explore inter- and transdisciplinary opportunities, as well as those in the social and behavioral sciences, and topics related to the medical field that NSF may fund. Faculty will gain insight into the merit review process and will receive guidance regarding proposal submission and strategies to effectively communicate with NSF program officers.

Dr. Claudia Rankins formerly directed the NSF HBCU Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) and the HBCU Excellence in Research (HBCU EiR) Programs. She also served at Hampton University for 22 years as an endowed professor, chair, and the Dean of the School of Science. 

Dr. Falcon Rankins owns and operates PRISSEM Academic Services, LLC, a consulting firm that provides research development and grant writing services. Through PRISSEM, he has assisted faculty at more than a dozen HBCUS in the development and submission of NSF proposals.

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