Tuesday, February 18, 2025 8:30am to 4pm
About this Event
700 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
http://MSUConference.rsvpify.comThe Center for Urban Violence and Crime Reduction and the School of Social Work Presents:
The First Inaugural Conference on Violence on U.S. College/University Campuses
“Pathways to Prevent Gun Violence on College Campuses”
As a clarion call to direct national attention to the increasing incidences of gun violence on U.S. college and university campuses, the Center on Urban Violence & Crime Reduction at Morgan State University will host its inaugural Symposium to Reduce Violence Series.
This National Symposium for Gun Violence on U.S. College and University Campuses will initiate a national discussion on the causes and correlates of the rise in gun violence on and around campuses. It will bring together college and university presidents, community leaders, researchers, policymakers, and subject matter experts to discuss solutions, develop more sensitive threat assessments, and explore preventative interventions to reduce gun violence in these settings.
Please RSVP by February 07, 2025. If you have any questions or require additional information, feel free to contact Ms. Ross-Jones at 443-885-3922 or Kristy.Ross@morgan.edu.
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