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2201 Argonne Dr, Baltimore, MD 21218
https://tinyurl.com/4deu5s5f ##msuaa #morganfootball #blue&orange #wearethebearsThe MSU Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Relations are hosting an alumni tailgate at the Hapton game. Price includes round trip bus, tailgate, and a game ticket. The bus will depart from Y Lot on campus with a stop at the Beltway Plaza Mall. Wear orange to show support for the team!
Alumni bus departs from Y Lot (located behind the Murphy Fine Arts Center - https://map.concept3d.com/?id=1041#!ce/24102?ct/67491,19482,67493,67494?m/224943?s/?mc/39.338257,-76.58299299999999?z/16?lvl/0?share
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