About this Event
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251
https://davidtalbertmsuswan.my.canva.site/ #davidtalbertDavid E. Talbert the Morgan Alum, Award-winning Playwright and Filmmaker will be here on, Nov. 4th to Morgan’s campus once again to enlighten students with his knowledge!
Join us on November 4th at 4:30PM for a FREE exciting event with David Talbert!
This is NOT just for SWAN majors; we encourage all students to attend!
Scan the QR code to register Now!!
#morganstateuniversity #morganonsocial
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Posted a comment
Friday, November 4, 2022 2:35pm
I am glad know that our Alumnus are making waves, excelling the future and giving back knowledge to enlighten the gens today and tomorrow. Wish I could have attended. All information of good nature is always encouraging for those who use it for it purpose intended. Thanks for giving back to the students here at MSU.
Much Respect!